Internal Conflict Within Caste Movement and The Development of The Capitalist and Working Class in the Colonial Agrarian Structure of the 20th Century India : A Study

Abstract: Indian society is a pluralistic society. Since the establishment of Colonial rule Indian social structure with the Colonial state relationships flow through tensions. The character of the Colonial state was mainly repressive and Oppressive. The goal of this state was Indians establishing authority over society, land expropriation of revenue and forest resources and mineral resources and to secure the foundations of British rule. That is British Government maintained political and military authority keeping and procuring raw materials from India selling British products. As a result of colonialism Indian since the end of the eighteenth century the society is disturbed in many ways. Eighteenth century and under the influence of colonialism in the nineteenth century Adivasi tribal entities, caste, class status multiple changes occur. Why this change? How did various classes develop in colonial India? The aim of this study is to understand what happened.

Keywords: Colonial States, Society, Tribe, Class, Community, Aboriginal Criminal Groups, Lower Castes Movement.

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